Distributed Work

10 Tips to avoid feeling isolated when working from home

Maria Rodriguez
March 21, 2023
 min read

Working from home makes you feel lonely? Whether your living room has turned into your temporary office, or you finally got that remote job you have been dreaming about, working from home comes along with some challenges.

If working from home has become your personal prison, keep reading! We have listed some tips to avoid feelings of isolation.

1. Make the most of your flexible schedule

Working solo, either from the comforts of home or a shared workspace, gives you the unique opportunity to schedule more time for socializing during your week in ways it could not be possible if you worked in an office. There are multiple ways you can take full advantage of this amazing flexibility! Playing lego with your kids before taking them to the kindergarten, having a relaxing breakfast with your partner, or even working out first thing in the morning if that works best for you. Remote work is all about organizing your work around your life, and not the way around, and being able to enjoy the little and most important moments.

2. Create a routine

Photo: Pexels

Some people are more spontaneous than others. So if you are not a routine person, do not panic! In fact, having a routine can be a game changer while working from home. Organization is key for remote workers. Crafting a daily plan can help you remain focused throughout the day and feel more accomplished at its conclusion, and allow you to have the feeling of achievement so you can enjoy your time after work.

Begin your morning by noting down what you wish to accomplish, map out each task in order of importance, set reasonable deadlines for yourself, and block your calendar if necessary to avoid being interrupted with spontaneous meetings and then take action!

3. Organize online lunch with your colleagues

Photo: via Pexels

If you live alone and enjoy a nice conversation during lunch, organizing a weekly or monthly virtual lunch with colleagues, friends or family could be the perfect solution. This can strengthen the relationship between you and your colleagues. Ask your team casually on Slack who would like to join you for an interactive non-work related conversation and enjoy!

4. Make plans after work

Photo: via Pexels

When your bedroom or living room has turned into your workplace, it's hard to separate private life from work. Once you've set a routine and prioritized your tasks, you'll find out planning your after work with friends or family members will be easy. Scheduling an enjoyable activity with others at the end of your work day will ensure that you step away from your desk. This can help prevent burnout and make sure you get to spend quality time with those who matter most!

5. Do not feel bad for taking a break

Photo: via Pexels

Make sure to step out and take a break from time to time, or even better – go for a walk everyday. To make it happen, block out 30 minutes in your calendar as if it was another task you can't miss. Getting some fresh air can help you clear your mind and give you that sense of rejuvenation we all need occasionally. This has a good effect on your job! Invite a friend or neighbor to join you to make the most of this time. If you don't feel like walking, simply swap the walk for a cup of coffee with a friend, just as you would do in the office.

Even if you can't venture outdoors, any sort of physical exercise will assist in making you feel energized, revitalized and motivated throughout your workday at home.

6. Welcome background noise!

Photo: Madeleine Gummer v. Mohl, Angel Investor & Sales Specialist at One Coworking by Sara Herrlander

Adding some background noise such as news, radio, or your preferred music can make all the difference in creating a sense of companionship while working. Only you can know what kind of music or sound allows you to concentrate to the fullest. If you are one of those people who are easily distracted, you can try playing relaxing music at a very low volume.

7. The quality of your sleep matters

Photo: Pexels

Sleep is essential in fostering a sense of connection and contentment, which leads to increased productivity throughout the day. In fact, research has shown that obtaining the right amount of sleep can drastically reduce loneliness scores. Sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can help you make your mornings easier, improve your mood and lower your chances of feeling lonely!

8. Organize a weekly informal video call with your colleagues

Photo: Pexels

To cultivate a sense of camaraderie among your team, try scheduling weekly virtual meetings via video call. It could be for a cup of coffee in the early morning or an informal drink after work to take a break from the daily grind. Such meetings will help keep mood high and remind everyone that despite working from home or remotely, they are still part of your organisation's family.

9. Get out of your home-office at least once a week

Photo: Engelnest - Berlin, Germany

One of the best tips to avoid isolation while working from home is getting out of your home-office once or twice a week. This will make your remote working journey a lot better, and your mental health will definitely thank you!

If a remote work colleague lives in your city, invite them to join you so that the two of you can team up and achieve more. This can be in a café, a coworking space or in the local library. By working ##together, not only will productivity increase, but it's also a great way to foster camaraderie.

10. Visit a coworking space

Photo: MATES Munich

Visiting a coworking space will help you make new connections with like-minded people who may be in the same situation as you are. How not to feel motivated by being part of a community of people who strive and learn from each other? Escaping your home, even if it's just for a few hours and you don't interact with anyone else, can help give the sense that there is an entire community supporting you.

If you've never been to a coworking space before, you have listed some useful tips for your first visit to a coworking space!

Access to coworking spaces as an employee benefit

Benefits and perks for remote workers differ a lot from the ones of on-site employees. Access to coworking spaces is one of the best benefits and perks for remote teams. No surprise! There are many reasons why visiting a coworking space is beneficial for remote workers. More flexibility and freedom, growing your network, and better performance driven by higher motivation and focus are some of them.

Many companies are offering a coworking space allowance to their remote employees because they understand the benefits that it has on them. If you wish, you can also ask your colleagues first whether they'd like to try it out, before showing your interest to your employer.

At One Coworking, we help companies provide flexible access to multiple coworking spaces worldwide to their remote employees. Find out more about our workspace solutions for teams and individuals by visiting our website or send us an email to help@onecoworking.com.

We hope these tips will help you feel more connected to your team and stay motivated, and above all avoid feeling isolated.

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